About 3 weeks ago I went out for my 10 mile run. It was the longest run I've ever been on in my whole life, and the next longest I will do will be 13.1 miles, half of a marathon, on October 29th!

The night before I ran the 10 I was eating sushi in celebration of my 26th birthday with one of my dear friends here. As I was talking to her about how I had to run 10 miles the next morning, I realized, that although I thought I had to be a lot nervous than I was, I really didn't feel nervous about it. I kept psyching myself out, thinking that I needed to eat more drink more sleep more and not hang out with anyone until I finished or else I wouldn't finish, but something inside me knew I was going to be fine. And I was well prepared for what was ahead of me.

After I finished:) I got in my car and sat there with tears in my eyes. I was so proud of myself. I can't believe how strong and capable I am. I ran 10 miles straight in 1 hour and 37 minutes. I kept a strong pace the whole time, and even got a bit stronger towards the end. I felt great, able, strong, confident, capable...

So many people look at me or speak to me as though I am so different because I'm doing this. Its almost like, I don't get credit for doing something so difficult because people peg me as the type of person who can "just do" these things.

Maybe there is something innate. Maybe I was born with great determination, maybe there is something in my genes that makes it easier for me to be fit, and to push my body. Maybe I'm easily motivated. But there is also a great possibility that the only reason I am any of those things is because I try. I step out. I push myself. Maybe I am determined because one day I was determined to be so.

I really don't know. All I do know is that I'm really proud of myself. I made a commitment to do something I actually never even really dreamed of doing. I never dreamed of running a half marathon, and I think its because sometimes I only allow myself to dream of things I know I can accomplish.

Ephesians 3:20 The Message

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.

I don't know how to dream bigger than I do. Or imagine more than I can. But standing where I am today, I can now see that even if I couldn't or wouldn't dream of something, it can still be accomplished. And now that I've come this far in my training I feel like I will allow myself to dream bigger. And imagine even greater things for myself. And then watch God do even more than that:)

i love you all. Thanks for reading, and praying for me as you read. Thanks for carrying me and my dreams in your heart. And please be encouraged. I am something special its true, but you are too.
